The Netherlands | King's day - april 27
Basic information
Koningsdag or King's Day is a national holiday in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Celebrated on 27 April (26 April if the 27th is a Sunday), the date marks the birth of King Willem-Alexander. Until the abdication of Queen Beatrix in 2013, the holiday was known as Koninginnedag or Queen's Day and was celebrated on 30 April. Queen Beatrix abdicated on Koninginnedag 2013, and her son, Willem-Alexander, ascended the throne (the first king since the observance of the national holiday). As a result, the holiday became known as Koningsdag from 2014 on, and the celebration was moved three days ahead to 27 April, the King's birthday. Koningsdag is known for its nationwide vrijmarkt ("free market"), at which the Dutch sell their used items. It is also an opportunity for "orange madness" or oranjegekte, a kind of frenzy named for the national colour.
Source: Wikipedia.
In Amsterdam
This is Amsterdam during King's Day (2019)
King's Day / Koningsdag Amsterdam 2018 HD
King's Day Amsterdam Aftermovie - Koningsdag (2018)
Other cities
Walking through the crowds in Utrecht on Kings Day 2014
King's day 2018 - Groningen (Netherlands)
King’s Day 2018 | Rotterdam, Netherlands | Vlog#4
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